on Monday, September 26, 2005

Baby grub!

I am really lazy. When im at home in the afternoons, its unlikely i would wanna go out and grab lunch at the nearby plaza. Hence, i would either starve until i cant take it, which would force me to walk a mere 5 mins to the plaza reluctantly, or i would just make something up with minimum effort and fuss. Its the cleaning up i hate.
Simple fare would be a tuna sandwich. I am not a big fan of tuna but im just too lazy. When i am in a better mood, i will make "baby grub". It looks disgusting but its simple to make and tasty!! TRUST ME!
Because it is so delicious, i shall not deny you of the recipe. Ha ha! Trust me, its really tasty.
Step 1: Raid your fridge. See whats left inside. Bits and pieces. Left over raw food or something. I found a piece of Mackerel, a small tomato, cremini mushrooms and some raw marinated chicken.
Step 2: Chop! Slice! all the ingredients into bite size.
Step 3: Wash the rice! I would use brown rice because i like the taste. Weirdo? Nah.. its just acquired taste. Ha ha! But i ran out of brown rice so i used white ones instead. It tasted better too.
Step 4: Place all the ingredients in the rice pot. Add water. Depending on how mashed you want the food to be. I like my food to be soft so i will add more water to get the whole " baby grub" texture. Add some seasonings like soya sauce, pepper, whatever that pleases you. Try not to add too much. You wanna taste the natural flavours. Not moldy soya beans in a processing factory.
Step 5: Plug the appliance in and press start!
Step 6: Sit on your ass and wait until its ready.
Step 7: Eat! Out of a plate, rice pot, who cares?! You should be famished by now!
Step 8: Thank me.
P/S: This dish and method always works for me. Try it at your own risk.
10:10:00 PM