I Dont Need No Thought Control



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    Previous Post


    on Monday, April 19, 2004

    There was an episode of Futurama that left an impression on me. In the future, there will be suicide booths all over the world (Or Maybe just New York City) just like phone booths. You can choose to die painless or horrible with gore. Right now, i just wish that machine exsists in the present. Although many could argue, i could just jump off a high building or drown but could i die painlessly? After all, life is full of pain and hurt. Why should dying be so miserable as well?

    I feel misunderstood. Suffocated. Sometimes i feel that i am not even the Real Me. Who am i? Why am i so unhappy? I am so sick of hearing optimistic sentences. " Oh the sun will rise again..blah blah blah" I feel sorry for my parents. THink they deserve someone who has a good head on the shoulders. I feel like a big fat failure with no directions and no future. What is wrong with my thinking? I admit that my thinkings are pretty controversial but what is wrong with that? Why do i have to conform to the general population? Why do i have to generalise myself for the sake of society and other people? Everyone says " Try to be happy". Whats the point of trying to be happy? And those people who said that are those ones who snatched my happiness away. What a load of BS.

    10:47:00 PM

    on Sunday, April 11, 2004

    April babies...what a bother...:P

    Happy Birthday to QI QI! And also Jacqueline! Sorry for the late wishes my dear girls! May the days brought many smiles to your faces. Embrace your lives and live it baby!

    10:40:00 PM

    on Saturday, April 10, 2004

    Hey Dude...U logged off way too soon before i could even say:


    HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY DIETY! Best wishes and i will continue to poke you with the fork! LOL I will leave it till Sunday Night when you get home from all the snow and stuff. Dont think i forgot!

    Hope you have a wonderful life and gets better and better! Cheers and get drunk!

    F O R E S T I A N.

    12:00:00 AM

    on Wednesday, April 07, 2004

    Some day, when I'm awfully low,
    When the world is cold,
    I will feel a glow just thinking of you...
    And the way you look tonight.

    Yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm
    And your cheeks so soft,
    There is nothing for me but to love you,
    And the way you look tonight.

    With each word your tenderness grows,
    Tearing my fear apart...
    And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
    It touches my foolish heart.

    Lovely ... Never, ever change.
    Keep that breathless charm.
    Won't you please arrange it ?
    'Cause I love you ... Just the way you look tonight.

    The heavy downpours during these couple of days have yet to put a dent in my spirit yet. Maybe the rain is a good thing. Makes the air fresher and cooler. Somehow it doesnt seem that bad anymore. At least i know that after the storm, i will get to see the rainbow. I am happy.

    4:59:00 PM

    on Sunday, April 04, 2004

    Happy Birthday to Winnie!! Great celebration at KBox! Wishing you more happiness and smile more often. Be positive always! *Hugs*

    10:07:00 PM

    on Thursday, April 01, 2004

    Red Hot Chilli Peppers!!!! Wo Hoo! I swore i was so close to Keidis's abs... He looked good! Wo hoo! Up close at the front. Had my damn picture taken for the 8 Days magazine! The concert was great! Simple stage setup but who cares abt that?? LOL They are way too cool. Cleaned up real nice. Flea was so nice that he was telling people to stop jumping up and down and crashing people so we can all have a great time! Fuckers in front was jumping up and down and stepped on my toes. Damn Fuckers! I was in the hottest zone of the night : MOSH PIT! YIKES! Was cool but it got tiring after a while when people were just interested in shoving me around. Damn idiots. I will PUSH BACK ya know? I shoved one fucker and he almost hit the floor. I think i actually whammed his back or something. Damn shit druggie. Some guys looked like they were on the crack or something. Kinda stupid. Paid $170 to go to a great concert and too fucked up to listen to the guys who performed well btw. I had fun! Got a t shirt too! Wo hoo! Rock On dudes!

    P/S The concert was about a year and a half ago. LOL

    11:56:00 PM