on Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wat Phra Si Sanphet.It was a royal chapel for royal ceremonies and rituals including giving alms to the monks from other temples and performing the Wiam Tian ceremony on holy days. There were 3 pagodas on the upper left picture. After the reign of King Borommatrailokanat, his son King Ramthibodi II, order the construction of 2 pagodas (Chedis). One of them was to house the remains of his father and the other for his brother, King Borommarachathirat III. Another pagoda was built by the order of King Borommarachanophuttangkun. It was used to house royal remains of King Ramathidobi II. Right bottom picture: Principal Viharn( hall of worship) was built in 1499.
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