on Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Many people say that Buble is a sell-out.

Well, he is, sorta.But it really doesnt matter. I see him as a medium of great Jazz music, bringing it to the masses. Buble is bringing that genre of music back. I am really glad that he is. This time round, the show seems more sophisticated compared to his debut SG concert. Figures. He is now an international act. I still got the chills though. I teared when he sang. He is suave, charismatic and intimate as before. That baritone touched the inner soul of mine. If Buble is anything like his on-stage personality, then he is my epitome of a lover, of romance.

Take some time out and feel his music.

Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome Michael Buble.
Note: I took some crappy pictures and video clips. Will post it on Multiply on a later note. A good version of "Home" will be on there soon.
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