on Sunday, January 22, 2006
I got to dine with a celebrity yesterday!!!!!!

We went to Cafe Cartel for dinner to fix in with the masses. How humble!!
You wanna know the identity of the celeb dont you????
Ok i will show you.
It is none other than the multi talented singer and composer.....................
Divad Tao!!!!!! Diva, as she likes to be "affectionally" known, was unlike how she was portrayed in the media. She was very friendly and insightful, not to mention obliging to answer any questions.
She was so nice. She lent me her sunglasses!!!"How do you feel about the bad press surrounding you?", i asked.
" I cant control what the media wants to write or print. My little brother once told me that its better to be wronged than be in the wrong. I have nothing to hide. Jay and i are just collaborating on my new album. We are friends who hang out after work. Thats all.", she replied.
Diva is in town to showcase the art of rejection. Besides her excellent singing skills that has won over many fans in the SEA region, she made headlines after rejecting bread from a psyhotic fan.
" Why didnt you just eat the bread?"
" As an artist, i have to protect my vocals. Bread is considered "heaty" food. I had a concert at night and that means i had to be at my best condition. Besides, carbs are bad. BAD!!!!! They should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The bread was stale too."
She recapped what happened.
Note: role playing was done to give the readers a clearer idea.

" I was dining with a fan after she won a "Dinner with Diva" contest held by my record company to promote my concert. Among the food that was served, bread was one of them. She took one piece and started checking if it was mouldy. The piece of bread appeared to be fine."

"She started spreading the butter on her bread. All seemed to be normal except that she talked to her food before she eats them like " I am going to eat you, ha ha ha!!! I just dismissed it as something people do that i might not know of. Everyone has weird habits. Who knows?"

" She started eating but not before requesting me to sing. She said my voice made her hungered for more. By the way, that was really flattering."

" It turned out that the bread was stale. I told her to stop eating it. The record company is afraid of liability. Oh no no.. i mean im just worried that she might get food poisoning. My busy schedule will not allow me to visit her in the hospital........ However, the most infuriating thing was.........

" She tried to offer me the stale bread! Siao one!!! Where got fans offer their idol stale bread???!! I superstar leh!! Caviar queen hor!!! J.Lo also cannot win me ah!!! Err... no no.. what i meant was that it was weird that she offered bread that had gone bad. I explained to her why i couldnt eat it. But you know how persistent some fans could be. "

"I had to reject her outright. She left me with no choice but to cover my face. That was how she got the "hint". Apparently some of my label mates face the same problem. Seeing how brillant the action was, they have decided to employ the same method. Now im teaching the form of rejection to many others who will soon benefit from the power of it!!!!! "

Diva kindly offered to take a picture with me with her minders nearby.
Divad, thanks for dinner. You come back!
The ultimate MJ remixes by DiVa.d Tao is out in stores now.
Enough of my sick humour. Mom and i went all out to splurge today. Retail therapy at its best. I have finally figured out why shopping is such a therapuetic activity for women. First, you spent the money on yourself. You own the stuff you buy instead of spending money to see a therapist. It is even worse if its a female therapist. You are giving her money to buy pretty things while you are so broke from therapy that you can only look at pretty things. However,the most important reason has got to be the fact that when it comes to shopping, if you got the dough, you get to buy whatever you want. The logic is quite clear cut. It is so much better than dealing with whatever emo crap that you cant buy or solve no matter how much money you have.
I am a serious shopaholic. 2 pairs of shoes and 4 bags in one week. 3 pairs of earrings in 2 days. I AM SCARING MYSELF. OH. MY. GOD. And i always wonder why i am broke. Ok. I have to stop. 4 bags??? 4 bags???? Whats wrong with me???????
12:16:00 AM