on Monday, February 06, 2006
I am so sick. A slight cold has turned into flu and sore throat. Damn that stupid shopping mall. Usually, i would be really happy to go out but today, i had to literally drag myself out the door. Darn. Not to mention others who have gotten sick because they were around me. Im so sorry .:(
Because my day could not get any worse, the trip my buddies and i had been planning is now in the dumps. A couldnt go because B doesnt allow A to go. To me, relationships are somewhat akin to partnerships. Both parties are partners, not parents. Doesnt allow? What the fuck. And it was with some lame excuses. If i want to parent a kid, i would give birth to one, not date one. Being in a relationship doesnt automatically permits the other party to have some controlling hold over your life. Sure, B could advise A not to go on credible grounds but does not allow?? Giving stupid excuses? Putting me aside, what about the others who are taking time off their work to go? Sure, i am a friend. I should understand and i do. What i dont get is why it is alright for B to behave like that?
I am fairly idealistic. My views? Relationship should be 2 people coming together when they want to be together. Not superglued together.
Im sure not every couple is like that but it seems that when the ones i know are attached, friends are like....... dead to them. Sure, friendships are gonna change but to that extreme? No, i am not being over sensitive.
Went over to Grandma's for dinner. Browsed thru the photo albums. Then she started telling stories of me as a kid AGAIN. Ha ha. She kept mistaking my pictures for someone else's.
3 more months to exam. Im going to start slogging. Hopefully, it will be the last leg of the race. Im ready to execute my future plans. Just waiting for graduation. At last, something to look forward to!
5:28:00 PM