on Monday, October 25, 2004
Oh dear i forgot..
Caelis: Hey Ya... me miss u! You should get on MSN more. I am not done with telling you how "cool" you are... HA HA! and Stop poking everyone!
9:59:00 PM
Went to MediaCorp today for the briefing on the Subaru challenge. Sounds pretty interesting. Saw Jamie Yeo, Chong Qing, Audrey etc. They were pretty friendly. I saw Chong Qing inside the 933 Fm studio and he looked out and then i waved at him. Then he smiled and waved back! Ha ha so cute!
BBQ on saturday. That wasnt bad at all. Caught up with my lovely cousins! Love y'all!
Replies to my taggie
Dragon: You cant rape everyone Dra. You dont have enough years to spend inside the jail cell. LOL
Miki: He he.. i think your skill is very good. Next time i will know who to call! Ha ha
Tingz: Next time you can ask Miki to take a portfolio for you ...;)
Jacq: Thanks gal! I like that picture very much too!
Deity: I am going to hire myself a male stripper too and have tons of ten dollars to stuff him.. Ha ha ha!
Win: Yeah i guess now i am "HOT" .... i must brag since no one has ever fought over me before.. HA HA HA HA!
9:59:00 PM
on Thursday, October 21, 2004

Miki took this when we were inside Phuture. She is a genius. Made me looked all arty. Thanks girl!
11:50:00 PM

Win, me and Kian Peng. My lovely cousins. I love all of them so much! I hope to take pictures with all of them and post them up someday. I am truly blessed to have wonderful cousins.
11:43:00 PM

Me playing Pool! Can u believe it??!!! I lost though. LOL I really suck at this thing.
11:34:00 PM
Yesterday was crazy! I ache all over now. Ha ha ha! But seriously.. I ache all over! My legs are wobbly. I didnt go out today because i could only make it to the kitchen. Had dinner with Miki, Tingz, Winnie and Will yesterday. Talked for a while and then decided to go to Double O. But it had a freakin long line. Expected since it was wednesday and free flow for the ladies. But i was pretty disappointed. Oh well. Then we head to Phuture and Miki met her friend. ;) We danced, we drank and the lights came on. :( Time to go home. ARGH! If you wanna read more, go to Miki's blog. I swear.. my limbs are really hurting! Lets go party again!
9:33:00 PM
on Tuesday, October 19, 2004
............Words to Jacq..........
Hey girl! I read your last entry and seriously, the only way to deal with situations like these is "FUCK' Em!" Seriously, since you cant win over everyone, there is really nothing much you can do. How to put yourself in everyone;s shoes? Especially when you dont have enough time for yourself. See, this is a never ending circle. Either way, there are no happy endings. And if you put yourself in their shoes but they dont do that or vice versa.. it is just so complicating. The shit will just round and round until your dizzy.
And if they dont like what you write, then that are their choices. Obviously i dont know your friends but if they are going to give you so much grief... the bottomline is.. Is it worth it?
We will die young and beautiful if we try to win everyone over.
Okay. I resign as busy bee.
3:19:00 AM
Due to the popular request of 1.. Im going to blog about last weekend.. Ha ha! Well i cant sleep anyways..
SO.. anxious to know what i did last weekend?
No no... i didnt get it on with any guys.. my life is not that juicy enough. YET!
However... i partied my weekend away... literally..
Party buds: Moi, Winnie, Yan lin AKA Miki, Zhaoting Aka Cassandra, William, Derrick, Kevin
So for a long time, i planned to go to the Cleo's 10th Birthday Bash at Zouk. It turned out to be a little disappointing. :( The music of the bands almost drove me deaf. It was too loud and i couldnt hear a single word they sang. I wish i could hear them better because we should support them! The crowd aka us.. i wont deny.. was probably expecting something more exciting.. Ya know.. to get the mojos going. Ha ha ha! Then we saw the Singapore Idol finalists.. they are all huddled together in a group.. Maybe it is just me but they seemed a little snoobish and stuck up. Disclaimer: AGAIN, might be just me! I think the highlight of the night was seeing the Cleo's Eligible Bachelors. Mark Zee, Sivert Ong etc. I alway thought that Mark Zee was pretty cute in the magazine folds and stuff but when i saw him that night.. damn disappointing.. His looks didnt help his "wannabe" persona. But Sivert was really cute! He walked by me and i "accidentally" caught a sniff of whatever cologne he was wearing and it smelled good baby! Ha ha! Yes Yes.. I am a "sniffer".. well go away now.. you dirty nose picking bastards! :P
Then the gang headed over to China Black because Kevin's friend, Eugene, supposedly was queuing but hell! The queue was freakin long and it was full house. Then he had some friends who were member and blah blah blah.. we didnt get in because if we waited.. the cows would come home by then. So it was 12 am.. pathetic amount of booze and not exhilarated enough.. we went to Mohd Sultan hoping to get some cheap drinks. BUT BUT BUT! *pouts* Double O had a line as well. So we went to Mdm Wong instead. Alright people.. i have to confess.. I am not a big fan of the music and the after smell was horrid. Seriously, not a lot of places would make me smell like i live in the sewage except Mdm Wong and K-Box! I had to shower twice to get that cigar smell off! EWW! But the dancing was fun! Hoo! Ha! I wanna know.... if you would be my girl.. LOL
Bak Kut Teh at the night of the night and we talked so much trash and people were laughing at my jokes! MY JOKES! HA HA HA HA! Took the night rider home and got in around 4am. Went to bed at 6am. Dei Dei! Your fault! Well i know its not your fault honestly but i wanna blame you anyhow.. Ha ha!
Went to the Esplanade for Emi Fujita's concert with Win, Derrick, Kian Peng and his friends. We had the " up onto the heaven" seats but the concert wasnt bad at all. Emi could really sing! LOL And her voice was so soothing and nice although her pronouciation wasnt that great but her voice made up for whatever that was lacking. Her band was great as well. Especially the guitarist and pianist. Then we saw her again up close after the concert. Let me put it this way.. her voice reminded me of
Angels in Heaven.
So well.. it was a great weekend.. for the most parts and i am extremely happy to know 2 new friends. Great Gals!
BTW.. i am really getting confused who is the Real deal. I think someone else is impersonating besides Dra Dra. Whoever it is... pls identify yourself or stop it. Otherwise.. I dont wanna do or say anything that would embarrased anyone. BUT. I would do it if i do not have any choice.
2:43:00 AM
on Sunday, October 10, 2004
Da Lu mei. Xiao Long Nu. Wu ya (Crows)... these are the stigmas associated with the Chinese Nationality women in Singapore. These women have been labelled as adulteresses, husband snatchers, vicious, backwards etc.
Maybe it is all these schemas that make us-Singaporean Chinese women- hate being thought as a Chinese national. I read that many local women have been mistaken as one of the "Da Lu Meis" and i have my own fair share of "wrongings".
I was carrying out some transactions at an atm next to the taxi stand. Then i got into one of the taxis and the driver looked shocked when i told him the direction i was heading. He told i was from China until i spoke to him. Then he said maybe its my hair or whatever. I was disturbed. How dare he thought i was from China, i fumed. First thought: Get a new hairstyle! LOL
But when i think about it now, its really silly. I am chinese and of course i will get mistaken. Trust me, i still cannot differentiate Americans and Canadians. *DUH* I wasnt so concerned about the appearance compared to the stigmas attached. Then again, we are all on the same level playing fields because there will also be people out there who would feel disgusted if they are mistakenly identified as Singaporeans. WE all have our pet peeves and in my perfect world, understanding and patience would be the key to resolve alot of problems but sadly.. that is not the situation in real life.
Look on the bright side and concentrate on the good things. If our elders, in my instance -my great grand mother, did not have the courage and strength to search for a new beginning and cross the treacherous seas, we wont be here today. That is something we can all learn from them.
P/S I am always proud to see a Chinatown in almost every part of the world. Chinese around the world unites! Thats something that a Singaporean or Chinese should be proud of.
11:09:00 PM
Some people think that the physical things
Define whats within
I been there before
But that life's a bore
So bored of the superficial
Alicia Keys. Damn she is great. Went to her concert with Ally and boy was she great. She sang better- Live too! And her back up singers and band were awesome. Anyways we got the $90 tickets and the seats werent fantastic but it was really cool. If you guys read the reviews on the New Paper or Straits Times.. Me and Ally were sitting at the back podium and the whole thing was shaking. Ha ha! I was jumping up and down and Ally was scared- I think. LOL I really think she is very talented .
Just got in after a night out. And i must say that my life is really great. I always thought that i want certain things in life but now that my life has settled on another level, i am feeling very comfortable with everything. But of course, comfortable shouldnt be complacent.
I have been spending my weekends pretty well! Thanks friends! Love you guys.
Friday night
Afternoon cuppa- Coffee bean
Dinner -Crystal Jade Palace Restaurant. (Im Broke!)
Nite Cuppa- Lips.. Delish Hazy Frenzy cake...
Shopping- Broke!!!
Dinner- Piazza... Not sure if its the right name becos i really cant remember
Nite Cuppa- Coffee Club at Hotel Rendevous
Drinks- Pub. Wanted to go to Palong but oh well...
I feel that i am living my life now. I feel great! Ha ha ha ha! Next week- Sunset Bay and the Cleo Magazine party at Zouk! Im going to be broke again! :( Oh dear. But what can i say? I am enjoying the hell out of my life now!
BTW Happy Birthday Song hui!!! May your life and dreams be fufilled. :)
1:51:00 AM
Leo! About Your Sign...
The Leo type is the most dominant, spontaneously creative and extrovert of all the zodiacal characters. In grandeur of manner, splendor of bearing and magnanimity of personality, they are the monarch's among humans as the lion is king of beasts. They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. Born leaders, either in support of, or in revolt against, the status quo. They are at their most effective when in a position of command, their personal magnetism and innate courtesy of mind bringing out the best of loyalty from subordinates. They are uncomplicated, knowing exactly what they want and using all their energies, creativeness and resolution to get it, as well as being certain that they will get whatever they are after. Their followers know where they are with Leonians. Leonians think and act bigger than others would normally dare; the ambitiousness of their schemes and idealism sometimes daunt their followers, their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem reassures those who depend on them. If Leonians meet with setbacks they thrive on the adversity.
On the whole they are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Those who are devout may become very obstinate in upholding traditional beliefs and will cling tenaciously, but with complete sincerity, to practices and doctrines which liberal thinkers regard as absurdly out-of-date. These will be found as the 'lions' of industries, and in the forefront of the cutting edge of technologies.
Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, and an excessively negative Leonian can be one of the most unpleasant human beings imaginable, displaying extreme arrogance, autocratic pride, haughtiness, and excessive hastiness of temper. If jealously suspicious of rivals, they will not hesitate to use cunning, lies and trickery to discredit them. Self-centeredness, greed for flattery, boastfulness, and bombast, pomposity, snobbish superiority, and overbearing, and intolerant disdain of underlings; to whom they will nevertheless delegate the carrying out of minor details in their grandiose schemes, and from whom they are not above borrowing immoderately if an occasion necessitates it. Any of these can be characteristic of Leo. Add to them a passion for luxury, a lust for power, unlimited sexual lust, and emotional indulgence, and a character emerges that no one would want to know either in public life or private. But their pride may go before a fall, as uncontrolled impetuosity is likely to bring them low. Fortunately it is rare that a Leo is so undisciplined as to give way thoroughly to this list of vices, and their tendencies to them are usually balanced by an innate wisdom. Those who are afflicted with them also have the intelligence it takes to consciously and actively overcome them.
In professional life they do well at any vocation at which there is room at the top. As politicians they are content with nothing less than a powerful position in government. In business they may be the chairman of their company's board, or at least directors or managers. They are excellent organizers and overseers, often laying the groundwork for new projects. If from the artisan ranks of society they will aspire to become the boss, partly because they are ambitious by nature, partly because they dislike manual labor, preferring to take charge of others doing it. If artistic, Leos can become stars of stage or screen (their bent is serious rather than light drama), maestros as musicians where they will gravitate toward the grand instruments or activities, such as the organ or conducting of orchestras and as painters; anything grand in conception and scale appeals to them. Leo women make exceptionally good welfare workers.
In his or her relations with others the Leo type is open, sincere, genuine and trusting. Outgoing, spontaneously warm hearted and plain spoken, though never lacking in kindliness, Leos are more disillusioned than the average if let down by those they trust. They are not good judges of character and are inclined to favoritism and an exaggerated faith in their followers which too often ends in disappointment. They have a strong sex drive and are so attracted to the opposite sex that they find it hard to be constant; they can be so intensely sexual as to become dissolute. They may have numerous love affairs for their love of pleasure and beauty is liable to drive them from one attractive partner to another. They are very much inclined to deceive. Their marriages may fail for the same reason, yet they are sincere and generous to their lovers while love lasts, and will remain attached to their homes so long as it is run for their benefit. They demand service but are incapable of giving it.
Possible Health Concerns...
Physiologically, Leo governs the upper back, forearms, wrist, spine and heart. Its natives are subject to a number of ailments: pain in the back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood, sickness in ribs and sides, convulsions, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, in former days, when they were prevalent, plague, pestilence, jaundice, and some afflictions of the eyes.
Speculative ventures
Lavish Living
Pageantry and Grandeur
Doing things safely
Ordinary,Day to day living
Small minded people
Penny pinching
Mean spiritedness
As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As a Leo you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.
Problem: Getting all upset and angry with others when things do not go the way you fully expected them too. This kind of reaction to a problem is what causes a lot of marital discord and unhappiness.Solution: You should never base all of your expectations on what you should get, but rather base them on what you can give to, or do, for those who are in your sphere of influence. You will find you have a more peaceful and happy home if you do this.
Problem: You are sometimes your own worst enemy, especially so when you are striving for attention in such obvious ways that you turn off the very people you sought to impress.Solution: The first place to start is to stop trying to gain attention; give people the chance to notice the real you. Decide what it is that impresses you and you will then know what to do to impress others.
Problem: Egotism, to the extent that you may be the Leo who thinks no one is quite as good at things as you are and the people around you are made to feel small through your habit of comparison. Solution: What the higher minded Leo has is a sense of self worth and of greatness, this is corrupted when you let the ego get out of hand so you should learn to walk tall by looking up to those that are 'taller' than you are.
Problem: Losses in income from unwisely speculating which leads to financial ruin, as well as possible personal losses of family and friends due to a lack of concern for their financial welfare.Solution: You should always investigate all investments well before they are made, then talk it over with your spouse as to how hard the budget can be hit, before you spend the first dime.
1:21:00 AM
on Wednesday, October 06, 2004
My blog is pretty crappy. Mainly because i am not good at writing and i dont know what to write. I tend to write when i am bored at home (Which is every now and then) or when Channel 5 or 8 really suck big time (That would be everyday except Thur! I love The Apprentice! And the OC.. Yeah i know.. Bite me!)
On to more bad blog writing :
How many times do we have to watch Home Alone 1, 2 , 3 ....zillion? Enough! We got the story! That Richie Rich kid or whatever Culkins always get magically left behind. Then he got into trouble and out again. Who in their right mind who leave their 8 year old kid alone? Hello Social Service! Parents like these should be the author of : Bad Parenting: Tips on how to leave your children behind and more. Wait a min. I bet they will be earning lotsa money and then again proves my theory on why bad people is always making money than good people. You want an example? Me. Im poor! I am very cash poor these days Really! I am a good person.. I give up my seats on the buses or mrts when i am not pretending to be asleep! And i only litter when no one is looking. Im really one of the good girls left. But im still broke every week. :(
One thing out of the whole bad tv stations and recycled story lines situation is that i have finally found ...........a boyfriend!! Yeah right.. hell yeah if i did.. Nah. Im still single and very available *winks winks* Well the next best thing to that is Discovery Travel and Adventure! This is the ultimate channel. It is a god send! God must be happy. Tee hee! Yeah God is happy with me! I am going to heaven. So long Hades! Ha ha ha! *i did warned you of the bad writing*
Anyways, that channel is fantastic. To those without Cable, SUCKERS! HA HA HA Im bragging and you all should get cable. Seriously. Unless you are a dvd pirate and stock up on all the dvds you can get. Let me tell ya why i think Discovery Travel and Adventure is so great. *Duh.. what have i been doing? * I get to watch people from old ages moving around the world, cooking. Just look at Keith Floyd. How the hell did he do all that? Drink on every show, travel, cook, eat.. I want his life and money! Damn lucky bastard. And the cute guys on Surf with the menu! Cute boys and food. Awwww heaven! The cute smile. that dimple..If that is how chefs look like nowadays, then i am siging myself up for some cooking classes! I wonder if i can do them online. *ponders* Seriously how could anyone get bored of the Top ten beaches in Australia or wherever else! Cute guys running around the beach and pretending i have a Magerita right next to me. And its always a joy to watch Anthony whatever his last name is, getting drunk and pissed. LOL Most of the times, he looks like he is recovering from hung overs. Chug Chug Chug!
Opps Ian Wright is on! Time for Travellers. Damn lucky bastard!
10:11:00 PM
I finally "perked" myself up for a " jog" today. Note that i used the word "jog" instead of run. I think my grandma could jog faster than me. Damn im a slow coach. But i am really trying hard to work out regularly.
Although the jog was only twenty mins, i felt really good. One small step to a healthy life style. All i could concentrate was to jog and make my way home. That was all i had to think about. All the stupid shit bothering me was left behind. Now i am still feeling good. Wo hoo! Now all i have to do is to cut down on my intake of food. But im a foodie!!! That is so tough! I love to eat .. which probably explain the way i look. SIGH! So more work out and eat less! Come on! I can do it! You stupid pig! Do you wanna die of a heart attack when you are 22??
I dont need to be thin or whatever but i wanna look toned. That is my goal! Turn the fats and wobbly arms into toned muscular arms baby! So my plan is to hit the gym and swim!
Everytime i see someone else exercising, i feel really bad about myself. They are working out and i am sitting there eating a chocolate bar *you get the picture*.
Oh by the way, im going to Alicia Keys's Concert.. I only know 2 songs..DOH!
9:36:00 PM
on Sunday, October 03, 2004
I don’t know if life is fair anymore. Well I used to think that if I don’t have what others have, God will compensate me in other ways .(BTW I don’t believe in religions but I do believe in God.) However after I watched the Cancer Charity Show tonight, I don’t feel that way anymore.
Here is why:
I was watching on of those “tug the heart strings” segments of the show where there was a short story on how this man got cancer and his wife couldn’t afford the treatments and their kid was sensible and how much pain the man was undergoing that he would bang his head against the wall when he was in pain. The family couldn’t afford treatment and the chemotherapy was dragged for a couple of months.
After watching that segment, I tear up a little. This is real. This is life. This is not one of those “sulking because I couldn’t get the shirt in my size during a Mango sale” moments. At that very min, I felt very ashamed of my selfishness. These are people with real problems and all I do all day is to grumble about my life.
These folks have financial problems and they couldn’t afford medical treatments. Hence, the chemotherapy treatments have to be delayed. I wonder what about his life? Is that all it is? His life is being quantified by how much dough he has? That is unfair. I guess rich folks don’t have to worry about these kind of problems (I have nothing against rich people.) but what happens to people who can’t afford the money and the govt subsidies aren’t enough? What can they do? So that’s it? Their lives are just not “worth it’?
Cancer is a very scary thing. (Like all illnesses) You never know when you will get it. It is extremely painful. When I was watching the show, I was secretly hoping that my grandpa wouldn’t be watching it. But I know he will turn on and sit in his favorite chair watching whatever crap is on TV at that time of the night.
My grandpa is a Cancer patient. The extremely kind and soft spoken man has being diagnosed with lung cancer a couple of months back. He asked the doctor if he had cancer while I couldn’t hold back my tears in the same room. Talk about bravery. Wanting to go for radiotherapy, trying different medications. My grandpa, who will walk all the way to the fish market in Senoko from Marsiling just to buy some fishes and give it to my aunts. The man who put me in the cradle when I was a baby. My aunt told me that his pain was so bad that he said that all he couldn’t do was to “burrow into the ground”. I wish I could share his pain. I wish I could understand his pain. But I couldn’t. This is me, the girl who flinches whenever she thinks jabs. And I couldn’t bear it if my dearest grandpa couldn’t afford to go for the treatments and couldn’t get some relief from the excruciating pain.
I am wondering if the people in need of help would be getting enough to help them thru. Life is unfair for the poor man who couldn’t afford the treatment. It is also unfair to my grandpa, who is really one of the good guys around, to suffer the pain.
As much as im tired of watching charity shows on tv all the time, I really do think that we should help those people who are less fortunate. We have compassion. These are the times to put it to good use. Help them and help ourselves.
11:46:00 PM