on Sunday, March 27, 2005
Reader's Complaint: Eh! Can you please dont use Saac as my name?
Me: Why? *DOH*
Reader: Because i changed it liao! And its not real name mah!!??
Ok. In an rare act to please everybody because im in a good mood and i have been listening to Sugar Ray * Mark McGrath makes me real happppppppy. *
Please disregard the word SAAC and replace it with the name, YANG HONG in your head.
" Ah Hong ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "
1:14:00 PM

Me and the Bugs.
12:54:00 PM

The nice folks who treated me and Win to a nice dinner. I feel that we are always ripping them off. LOL I feel extremely lucky that i have cousins who i get along with and hmm always treat me to dinners. Hee hee YAYAS for cousins!
12:52:00 PM

All the food we had at Waraku.
12:49:00 PM

" Recruit Reyna asking for permission to do anything but sit down and be quiet mdm!"
12:47:00 PM

Reyna at Waraku. She is such an adorable handful. Quote from Saac ," She will always do something surprising to make me laugh." Sweet!
12:44:00 PM

Went to Jaslyn's house and Saac drove us the the airport to have supper! Mickey Ds!!! I cant believe we had fast food at night or supper. LOL Im MS HEALTHY! Oh damn.. I think i got really jazzed up by the oily and greasy junks.
12:41:00 PM

Random picture of Clarke Quay. I need to really stop taking crappy pictures.
12:39:00 PM

Artic Prawns Salad. Freshly flown from the Artic region. : Maestro Bistro. RIGHT. Freshly flown. You mean frozen and freshly flown. HELLO! ARTIC REGION! THe thing about salads is that you got to use all the fresh ingredients. Otherwise, it just taste like cat poo or something. No i have never taste cat poo before. Just trying to draw the similarity!
12:35:00 PM

Long over due pictures. Taken on the night when we watched Swing Girls. Winnie, dont kill me this time. THESE ARE NICE PICTURES OF YOU! LOL
12:30:00 PM
on Thursday, March 24, 2005
I love Pink Floyd.. they are so pessimistic.
So, so you think you can tell heaven from hell
blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field with a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade you heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How i wish, how i wish you were here
We're just two lost souls swimming in the fish bowl, year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
Wish you were here.
1:35:00 AM
on Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing my newest crush....
BO BICE!!!I am so excited about him that merely mentioning his name can set me on fire. I mean.. literally setting myself on fire. :s Okay never mind.
He looks so cute!!!---> Notice the exclaimation marks. One is not enough to emphasize the cuteness!!
He is so hot... *melts into a puddle*

Isnt he sexy??

Yeah Baby Yeah!!!

I will do a lot of things just to sit next to him.. Awwwwww
Just to all the folks who dont know him, he is a contestant on American Idol. Yes i watch it every week when i can bcos of him. He is 29, comes from Helena and he is so gorgeous. Look at him, he is so hot!! *drools*I mean i admit.. my choices in men have always been unorthodox.. and that is bcos i cant help it!! I have a thing for rockers. I mean..sometimes Bo has the hippy rockish look.. which could be hmm.. not really nice sometimes.. *Nothing against the hippies but i am just not into the tie dye shirts. Eww is the nicest thing i could say about it.* He is a great singer and everytime i see him on tv.. *melts into a pudddle again*. Maybe its the tight leather pants. Tight pants= showing tush. His tush! His tush! One thing that attracts me most is that he doesnt look like a boy. No boyish look. Very manly. Think Viggo and Orlando. This is the reason why i will want Viggo any day. Or as what my dear cousin, Winnie, calls it " The Man Needs A Shower" syndrome. He is sweaty and all that but i like it. Since its in tv and i cant smell it, its sexy. LOL
Speaking of perspiring..i had the unfortunate pleasure of sitting next to a man for the ride home yesterday. I dont know what it is, but that man smelled funky. And im being polite with my language. I dont know what he did or whatever. I understand that we were travelling on the train and he got no choice but to sit next to me but damn.. i had to endure it several stations. Think it this way, if it wasnt bad, i wouldnt be blogging about it. He was reading a Chinese dallie and he had to sit and open his legs wide in the crowded train and he had to touch his knees with mine. I mean come on uncle! The train is already crowded like fucking sardines and you gotta open your crotch to let everyone see it? When he stopped at AMK, i think i was saved with clean and odour free air. I dont smell good all the time but anyone who knows me knows that i try to "not stink". That is why i refrain from eating at places that have really sucky air ventilators. One such place is the food court at Takashimaya. You eat there, and you will come on smelling like a cook.
Oh and i went for a spa session yesterday and a hands treatment which involves dipping my hands into hot wax several times. I almost died of burnt related stress. The spa wasnt bad.. Body scrub, Cleopatra milk bath and body massage. Sounds good huh. Although im not sure if im welcome back again bcos im sure the white milk turned grey when i got out. LOL However, i would recommend the massage. I get back aches all the time and post-massage, my back is ache- free! Yayas!
Oh Btw, Tommy, Bo actually reminds me of you. Long hair, rocker dude..lol You and Metallica. But Bo and leather pants ... damn hot. You should get some leather pants too. Hee hee.
9:47:00 PM
on Sunday, March 20, 2005
I have a lot of things to complain about. * Yes i like to complain. Its a Singaporean past-time. Let it go*
I have been Aunt Agony to many folks nowadays. I dont know why but apparently my name means " Come, talk to me. I will solve your problems for you."
You see, i dont mind helping people or listening to them. In fact, if i could help any of them to solve their problems, it would really be nice. * I am one of those people on helium singing " We are the World. We are the children" crap* I mean it is really okay for me until helping means getting myself into unnecessary problems.
There has been a few occassions that i have been dragged into several pictures.
There are situations when some folks just dont like what i say. The gist of it all, if you dont like my advice, then dont ask for it in the first place. Or there will be folks who thinks that i " dont understand what they are saying". I would like to clarify that i do but sometimes i just dont agree with the person or have different thoughts. It doesnt mean i "dont understand".
OH and i hate passing messages. DO it YOURSELF! I am not a messenger. I have a life. * Yes I HAVE A LIFE!*
I dont mind helping out some stuff but there are some things that i just dont do. I hate people making use of me. I hate people thinking that i have nothing else to do than to be at their beck and call.
So i woke up today and passed by my brother's room. For the 3rd consecutive day, i realised that he hasnt been home. The first 2 days, i just thought that maybe we just came home on different times. Or when i was sleeping, he came home or when i woke up, he went out. Vice Versa. BUT, i just saw his empty room again this morning and felt a lil weird. After asking my mom over breakfast, it turned out that he went to Malaysia.
When he came home, i CASUALLY said " Hey, i didnt know you disappeared for 3 days." The response? " I dont have to report to you where i go." Hmmm.. Okay.
NOW HERE IS MY RESPONSE: I really dont care that you went to Malaysia. Or that you have to report to me your locales. BUT as your sister who lives with you, i was just puzzled or should i say, a lil worried that i didnt see you around for 3 whole days. Now.. i dont know. Is it wrong that i actually paid attention who is not around the house? That i was actually beginning to think that something bad happened to you. Yes i do CARE. I do Care that people might be missing for god knows what reasons. If you have bothered to talk to me when i am at home, or have a lil chat about something sometime, maybe you would have tell me as a simple fact that you are going away. And i would say, " Have Fun."
9:25:00 PM
You'll never know just how much I miss you
You'll never know just how much I care
And if I tried, I still couldn't hide my love for you
You ought to know, for haven't I told you so
A million or more times?
You went away and my heart went with you
I speak your name in my ev'ry prayer
If there is some other way to prove that I love you
I swear I don't know how
You'll never know if you don't know now
You went away and my heart went with you
I speak your name in my ev'ry prayer
If there is some other way to prove that I love you
I swear I don't know how
You'll never know if you don't know now
9:25:00 PM
on Thursday, March 17, 2005

The camera pans the cocktail glass,
behind a blind of plastic plants;
I found the lady with the fat diamond ring.
then you know I can't remember a damn thing.
I think it's one of those de ja vu things,
or a dream that's tryin' to tell me something.
Or will I ever stop thinkin' about it.
I don't know, I doubt it.
Subterranean by design,
I wonder what I would find if I met you,
let my eyes caress you,
until I meet the thought of Missess Princess Who?
Often wonder what makes her work.
I guess I'll leave that question to the experts,
assuming that there are some out there.
they're probably alone, solitaire.
I can remember when I caught up
with a pastime intimate friend.
She said, "Bet you're probably gonna say I look lovely,
but you probably don't think nothin' of me."
She was right, though, I can't lie.
She's just one of those corners in my mind,
and I just put her right back with the rest.
That's the way it goes, I guess.
Baby you send me
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
Careless whisper from a careless man,
a neutron dance for a neutron fan;
marionette strings are dangerous things,
I thought of all the trouble they bring.
An eye for an eye, a spy for a spy,
rubber bands expand in a frustrating sigh.
Tell me that she's not dreaming.
She's got an ace in the hole,
it doesn't have meaning.
Reality used to be a friend of mine,
'cause complete control, I don't take too kind.
Christina Applegate, you gotta put me on.
Guess who's piece of the cake is Jack gone?
She broke her wishbone and wished for a sign.
I told her whispers in my heart were fine.
what did she think she could do?
I feel for her, I really do.
And I stared at the ring finger on her hand,
I wanted her to be a big PM Dawn fan,
but I had to put her right back with the rest.
That's the way it goes, I guess.
Baby you send me...
Set adrift on memory bliss of you
11:01:00 PM

Thanks to Ting for inviting us. Thats a really sweet gesture. Her lil sister is so cute and well mannered. Hmmmm or maybe im just too much of a bitch.. i cant decide. LOL
10:24:00 PM

Unless you are blind, otherwise, you wouldnt miss the backdrop and the skating rink! I wanna learn how to skate! The last time i bladed was when i was 12 yrs old and crashed onto a stone chair. That was the end of blading for me. But i wanna do it! It looks so fun to skate.
10:22:00 PM

I know.. this is so retard!!! Bahhhhhh
10:20:00 PM

What is up with my fringe?? Its that fucking strand everytime!
10:18:00 PM

I really like candid pictures of my cousin. He he! Im tired of those " princessy" pictures. LOL
10:16:00 PM

Without lightening effect.
10:12:00 PM

YES, I went for the Princess Classic crap. I was bored. The skating was good but the concept of fairy tales, pls gag and kill me. My dear girl, sorry i couldnt score you a ticket. Will make it up to you.
10:11:00 PM
on Monday, March 14, 2005

Happy Birthday lil Reyna! May you always smile and be lovely for as long as it may be.
4:03:00 PM

More pictures....
3:56:00 PM

The lil girl enjoying herself....Sweet!
3:53:00 PM

Watcha looking at? *Bleah* :P
3:51:00 PM

My Girls : L-R: Patsy, Winnie, Jamie.. having some fun.
3:49:00 PM

Birthday Girl! Lil Reyna turned 2 yrs old. She is so cute in that Ralph Lauren dress. This is one of the few decent shots i took of her. She was so active that most pictures i took was blurred.
3:49:00 PM