on Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I hate PMS. Yeah I know.. who likes it right? Well some girls can use it as an excuse to be bitchy or something.. I don't know.. *shrugs* For me, I am really bitchy when im "suffering" from it. * Right guys, its not a funny matter.* Every month when it hits, I can feel my emotions, feelings or whatever viewpoints altering. Probably its my alter-ego, ha ha! I get upset easily over trivial crap, think excessively and of dumb stupid things that will prolly never happen until we figure out the answer to the egg or chicken first question. BUT, im feeling better. Happy. More like my old self again. I miss me.
Anyways, met up with the gang. I have not seen Songhui for months. He pulled a disappearing act. Poor thing couldnt join us for the trip. He is going to some remote part of Thailand at the same time. Same timing, same country but different purposes. He will be working while we will be holidaying. That look of disappointment was so apparent all night.Sorry buddy. Maybe i should take tons of pictures and rub it in. Ha ha ha.
Songhui and Ronald- Hui likes to do that pose an awful lot. :S The guy in the background looks like he was performing wayang or malay dance.
Pumpkin soup. Wasnt the best. 
Snapper fillet that Qi had. I was so focused on snapping what she was having, i totally forgot to do it for mine. :s
Ronald:" So Carina, the first 2 days will be just you and me huh? "
Me: " Yeah.. this is what i have planned... " * proceeded to ramble off the itinerary.*
Ronald: " So romantic.. just the 2 of us."
Me: " Right Ronald.. it would be so romantic. Just the 2 of us in a strange country. You know what they say.. people do strange things when they are in a foreign country.."
Ronald: " Whats that?"
Me: " Oh i will wear more layer of clothes than normal. Prolly 2 bras and grandma's panties."
Thank god, i know him well enough. Ha ha! Yes, we are really joking about it. Doh.
hmm so i guess i should book the trip tomorrow and pack extra clothes. He!
11:19:00 PM