on Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Warning! This post could give you nightmares. View at your own discretion. Keep small children away from the screen.I was hoping for a signal what to do next. From anything and everything.
Then i saw this. .................

Yup, thats me with my grandma. We took this in Langkawi when i was in primary school.

What the hell did i eat?
To all those mofos who gave me so MUCH crap back in school because of the way i looked.. for all the teasing, name callings and discrimination... *excuse me, i didnt know i was supposed to care about vanity when i was learning how to do multiplications. *

Hah! You bastards!

Then it struck me.
Nothing is impossible. Including not having crazy hair and losing some inches. Someone asked me before why there were stretchmarks on my stomach. Well now you know why. ;)
Thats why i have finally decided to take on 5 units this year instead of spreading it out over 2 years. Its going to be one hell of hair pulling, tears flowing busy school year for me. But i have a good feeling. I can do it. I wanna move on to the next chapter of my life.
Anything is possible. The sky is the limit, people.
12:24:00 AM