on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Christmas backlash is here. I am not feeling very Christmasy at the moment. I just wanna spend my last 2 weeks of the year with a peaceful and preferably, happy state of mind. At the moment, it looks pretty much like a sinking ship.
Sometimes explaining gets nobody anywhere. I get sick just listening to my own explainations. It shouldnt be this hard or necessary at all. I should just stop trying justifying myself or apologizing for who i am. I am who i am so just take me as it is.
Anyways, my KL trip was a tab boring. I didnt get to see much or visit the museums and stuff compared to previous visits. Mom kindly allowed me to tag along on her business trip. So it was mainly work, work and more work. I think i needed the exposure to see how the business mechanism works though.

Since it was held right before the Asean Summit and at the close vicinity, KL's was crowded. Roads closed to the KLCC were closed and it created tons of traffic congestion. My purpose there was to help out but i think i was more like a visitor, wandering everywhere to check out other exhibits. Ha ha! Sorry mom.

Missed the opening ceremony though.

Malaysia's Prime Minister Badawi checking out the Korea Pavillion. Everyone was trying to get a picture with him.

PM Badawi checking out the Singapore booth.
It was quite cool actually to finally catch a glimpse of a leader of the country. It felt surreal. He seemed unfazed with all the cameras flashing away. I guess thats part and parcel of the job.

A lot of countries took part and the designs of the booths were interesting. It reflected the economical focus of the country.

Guess they are really proud of their space technology.

India with a section on Bamboo???!

Japan and Korea. Total technology wizzies. Did you know that the Animation for the Simpsons are done by Koreans?

Laos and Vietnam focus on their cultures. Not such a bad idea but the wealth of a country depends on technological advancements. Classic catch-21 situation.

Aunt Judy and me at the booth.
Moving on to the leisure aspect of the trip... All work no play makes Carina a dull girl and we cant let that happen.

*Ahem*Contrary to some beliefs that i went across the causeway to get Christmas gifts at a cheaper rate, the prices were on par with Singapore or more expensive!!! KLCC was not a fun place to shop at. It was so bloody crowded with people due to the major sales going on and my head just went into chaotic mode.

I didnt get any clubbing done even though i stayed at a hotel along the club district. Zouk looked so empty on the night i passed by. Some clubs just stink so bad even from the outside. Ciggies stench. Ew.
But i did went to Hard Rock KL! It was awesome. The service was great, staff was cool and food was as good as the ones in HR SG.

Santa Claus is supposed to travel by a sleigh. I guess in HR's case, he travels by a Harley.

A must-eat at any HRC... Homemade nachos! The serving was huge and it was delicious although it looked a lil disgusting in the picture. The one in Singapore is great and i strongly suggest everyone to go try it at least once if you have yet to do so!
Didnt get a chance to go up to the Petronas Sky Bridge too. Damnit!!!

One thing i dont like about KL is that the taxi drivers dont turn on the meters knowing that we arent local folks. Hello.. stop imagining that we have huge $ signs on our foreheads!!! When asked why they refused to turn on the meter, the answer was that with the amount of time spent in traffic jams, their earnings are undercut. Undercut my ass.
One thing good about travelling with a mission delegate is that you will be put up in swank places with premier lounges and wings that is just for clients on business purposes.

For that, i have turned into a corporate sell-out.*lowers my head in shame*

I hate business attire. Really.

I cant imagine my life without my pillar of strength and support. Thanks mommy, for letting me tag along!!!
Christmas gifts come in different forms.
I just dont know what to do with myself says:
you wanted that one, no?
Carina says:
You are an angel from heaven!
Carina says:
*wings and halo!
I just dont know what to do with myself says:
Carina says:
How did u find it?!
I just dont know what to do with myself says:
hmm the ordinary. A huge crusade with many dangerous situations and fights, ultimately finding the song, protected by a huge dragon. I slaughtered the beast with a genious tactic and went back home victorious.
I just dont know what to do with myself says:
nothing special really
Thank you, Caelis. You are really awesome!!!!!
What a long entry. I forgot to mail the Christmas cards! Damn!!!!!
We both know how it will end. We have already lived thru it once. Enough is enough.
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