on Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wat Phra Chao Phanan Choeng.The second place we visited. It is located in the southern part of the city nar the Pasak river. Was built in 1324 A.D. According to our driver, it seems that the temple was built on the foundation of a love story. Apparently some king went to China and handed the control over to one of his high ranking military general. The king was besothed with a Chinese princess and bought her back to the pier near this river. As the king was gone for a long time, the general thought he wasnt coming back anymore and hence became king in his own right. When the real king came back and found out what happened, he had a duel with the general and was killed. The princess waited in vain by the pier for the king. When she learnt of the reason why he didnt show up, she committed suicide and was buried in the undergrounds of the temple. The replica of her could be found within the temple and it was said that members of opposite sex couldnt touch the statue. If they do, they will end up with ill health. According the the driver, the princess only allowed the king to touch her. I am not sure how true this story is. It was fun to hear nonetheless.
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