on Thursday, September 22, 2005

We woke up at 530am in the morning to catch the 7am train to Ayutthaya. Qi left the keys inside the room and we had to get the staff to retrieve it for us. For a moment, i thought we were gonna miss the train as we had to spend time buying the tickets as well. A short history of Ayutthaya: It was originally founded in 1350 and over the next few decades, developed to be the capital of the Siamese Kingdom.Ayutthaya is like an island surrounded by three rivers that act as natural barriers for defense. Ayutthaya was both the administrative and economic center of the kingdom and filled with a great diversity of people from different areas. The day trip to Ayutthaya was the main highlight for me. We were planning to have a day trip and was pondering with Kanchanaburi or Ayutthaya. The latter won because of a shorter ride and rich period history. Kanchanaburi will have to wait.
7:33:00 PM