on Saturday, November 26, 2005
*sigh* Hard to concentrate on the game when your friends are saying some of the funniest crap and you just keep laughing all night long. Everytime the 4 of us hang out, it is just funny stuff all the way. Its crazy how much crap we could conjure up.
6 hours of mahjong, my butt is real sore.
Im going to keep this short. Too tired.

I find it fascinating how Hui will buy a huge carton of juice and finish it in one night.

See what i mean by funny stuff?

Expert Ron trying to explain the dynamics of the game. He is really a master.

What can i do? Im just brillant at this game, not. LOL

Mr I-have-a-lot-of-attitude, me, and Mr I-dont-wanna-live-anymore. Drama, drama, drama.
1am. 4 tries to get a decent picture out of the 3 of us. Gift blankets from Qi who went on a short trip to HK with Kenneth! The 2 lovebirds went to Disneyland HK without realising the entrance fees were SGD65 per person! Wayyyyyyyy too expensive. Thank you for the lovely gift though. I have half a mind of framing the blanket. LOL Precious moments. Too cute to use it.
Thanks guys. Great time hanging out. Next trip, planning in the works.
2:26:00 AM