on Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Picture blog. * Sequence of events not in order.*
Mommie's Birthday
Mommy opening up her presents. Thanks to everyone who showed up and brought her pressies. She had a great time.You made her day. :)

2 gals with a camera. Go figure.
Reyna analyzing the ice cream.
Fisherman's VillageLast Saturday was spent at Fisherman's Village to support an event that my uncle helped to organised.
Yours truly, Limin, Jiawei, Jiade.They are a bunch of funny folks. Thank god they were there to keep me sane. Anyone who could stand my half-ass crappy jokes deserve a standing ovation. We tried to trade embarrassing stories of each other. I had to give Jiawei credit because i couldnt remember anything he did as a kid that was considered "painful" to talk about. LOL Fret not, im sure i will be able to dig up some dirt. LOL
With Jamie and Patsy. I know i say it alot but they are growing up so fast.
Yan Jie and Michael 's Wedding Dinner
Mike and Yan Jie.Finally hitched! Congratulations!!
These 2 were in the same class since secondary one and didnt get together until they were out of secondary school. It was amazing actually, the way things turned out to be. I felt like my own little sister was getting married. 8 years just passed in the blink of an eye.
Despite all the initial hesitations, i actually had fun at the dinner. It was like a reunion of sorts. Saw people i didnt want to see again, met people who i couldnt stop talking to.
They gave me some hope. Maybe one day i will be able to have what they have.
Xavier and his gal.I also finally get to meet Xavier's girlfriend, Alvina.
And of course............
*more like a prom night than a wedding dinner?*We hit it off real well.
Justin ( my oldest friend!), Baby Alexis, Yan, me.The three amigos have become three and a half amigos. The friends i used to play basketball with till lights off. The friends who i used to sit at Macdonalds with for dinner and mixing ice cream with chilli sauce. The friends who i played my first beach soccer match with. The friend i sat with in Primary 6.The friend who started her own family. The friends who have evolved in so many ways.
Memories light the corner of my mind.Misty water color memoriesOf the way we were.Well, had too much to drink at the wedding dinner. On an empty stomach, no less. Wasnt feeling my best with the hangover and the poundings in my head the day after.
Mr Narcissistic decided to come into my room .........

and be narcissistic. Over 20 pictures of narcissisim at its best. Dude, way too much lovin man. LOL
and he took this *sigh*.................

Me in my hangover state. I know i was lying in a weird position but it was the only position that didnt make me wanna knock my head against the wall. Yeah i know, i sleep together with my technology.
Oh, yeah before i forget, a huge thanks to a kind gentleman who took time out of his busy studying schedule to be my plus-one for the night. Gracias.
9:46:00 PM