on Monday, December 19, 2005
Eric has just offered me an account for next age!!! Should i or shouldnt i?
Just found out that i wont be getting any holiday break of any sort. Grinch!!! Christmas, holidays and time off from school are supposed to be the highlight of the year. What a bummer.
Well, the pre christmas shindig was nice, simple and quiet. *If you dont count my incessant chatter as noise.*
We were supposed to chill at The Balcony. Somehow that didnt work out. *Oh i totally forgot about the Preview Lounge!* Ended up at Bakerzin at One Fullerton instead.
Once again, magic of Christmas. The combination of Yuletide and sweets were too tempting to pass up. I wished i tried every single dessert on the menu.

Now i am craving for a icing powdered donut. Weird huh. Of course i had the tiramisu. Thats such an easy guess. How ironic. I hate coffee yet tiramisu is my favourite dessert. Must be the rum.

Dessert Tapas! Hmm i cant remember what we ordered exactly. Pistachio creme brulee, raspberry creme brulee?, hazenut ice cream with rice crispies, ginger jelly with lychee and something chocolate. No one liked the ginger jelly except me. Cant help it. I have an accquired tastebud.
I cant remember the last time i had that much of a sugarboost in my system.
Took tons of pictures too. Mainly of me. Ha ha!

Before the consumption of tons of sugar equivalent to aWonka factory.

Sneak attack! Why why why?

Taken by the self proclaimed "good" photographer. I beg to differ! Ha ha! But, i have to admit that this is indeed a nice shot.

Always love the nightview. Peaceful and surreal.

Me and my left hand. Once again, she said i looked very "Ai(4) Mei(4)" in this picture. Yet i still couldnt understand what it meant. :s
Just learnt that someone is recieving treatment for depression. Suddenly i feel bad for feeling cheery over Christmas.
Oh i almost forgot! Check this out:
Star Wars Exhibition I just browsed thru the website and there is a flight stimulator and a Jedi GYM!!!!!!!Jedi GYM!!!! How cool is that? Maybe i will be on the threadmill next to Yoda? Or Obi Wan Kenobi??? He is so sexy. Ahmmmmmmm i mean Obi Wan, not Yoda. Yeah i know.. i have strange passions. Ha ha! I have got to go to the exhibition!
Oh btw, its the younger Obi Wan im intrigued with. Not the older one. Not that he had much screen time anyways.
May The Force Be With You.
11:40:00 PM