on Sunday, March 05, 2006
Well initially, i had a lot of thoughts in my head that i wanted to blog about. Somehow, i lost my interest in blogging them down. - This paragraph is totally pointless, i know.

Sorry taking so long with the pictures, people.
Wine tasting at DXO for a new brand of South African wine, Kumala. It will be on the shelves of the supermarkets by March. I cant remember how many different types of wine i had tasted that night. 7? 8? The range is pretty value-for-money. Best advice about wine i have heard? Doesnt matter how much it costs or how vintage it is etc. As long as you like the wine, be it Ghetto wine or what not, thats all it matters. It was a fun night. Good company, good convos, good ambience, good wine.
Oh, my throat. I have throat spasms. Thats the conclusion after the microscopy experience. It was quite fun to see the insides of my throat. Throat will heal. Thanks to everyone who have expressed their concern one way or the other. ( I miss you, Ting!)
Do my
Nohari window, will ya? Thanks. Its better to be criticised than be complimented. I get that.
12:43:00 AM