A degree is just a degree. Some people want it as a safety net, some want it to gain better prospects and some couldnt be bothered with it. " So what? Its just a degree. No big deal," they said. We live in a world where outcomes are more important than the process itself. " I dont care how you do it as long as you get it done," is a line i hear often.
But it is a fucking big deal. Everyone might be awarded the same certification but the value that one holds of it differs greatly.
We are talking about a guy who took on the odds to make it happen. Like many of his peers, he was on the JC route to university. I could remember vividly that he came home, disrupted over an A Levels paper. That side of him was new to me. Long story short, he didnt do well enough to qualify for the entry to university.
Like many of my friends, he could have gone on to a polytechnic but no. He chose to enrol himself in a CI. Starting over from scratch again. He mugged like he was born to do it. Not only did he achieved good results that gained him a place in the local university, he applied and got a Teaching Award as well.
So here we are. 3 years later. My brother has done it. He is going to graduate this year and start a new chapter of his life.
A degree is not just a degree to him. It is the result of tears, hardwork, endless nights of cramming and dealing with deadlines. It is the fruit of labour. Its a testament of strength and growth.
For my parents, who never had the chance for higher education, the degree is a reflection of them. It also stands for all the opportunities they never have.
For me? It is a lesson. It is alright to go thru detours. When you get to where you want to be, it will be worth it. When life throws you curve balls, you can survive it and move on to get what you want.
To all my friends who are graduating this year, celebrate and enjoy! This is your moment!
To my brother, we couldnt be more proud of you. Congratulations! We love you!
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