on Wednesday, December 21, 2005
After watching my first Christmas movie of the year, i am left a little confused. My picks for movies around this time of the year usually revolves around a family with a Christmas tree in the family room going thru some sort of stupid crisis, overcomes it and ends with having a wonderful turkey dinner. Well, Narnia isnt quite like that, i guess.
The name itself leaves much to be desired. Narnia? Everytime i try to pronounce the title of the movie, i feel like i am saying something crude. *Ahem* So now its a "C.S Lewis's Classic" to me. Mr Tumnus's outfit is a little confusing to me. I mean he is a faun and all. Man from waist up but legs of goats and hooves for feet. I understand that. But just a scarf for a naked torso in winterland? A man from waist up.. that kinda means that he would be freezing? A scarf to give him a little warmth and yet he doesnt wear anything else like a sweater? That would defeat the purpose of the scarf.. unless its for accessorizing. Ha ha! * On a second thought, i cant blame him. I love winterwear as well. Everytime i pass by MNG or Zara in Dec, i just wanna buy all the coats, scarfs etc off the racks! "Can we go to a country with winter so i can wear these coats???"*
Narnia is like Harry Potter meets LOTR meets Oompa Loompa meets King Arthur meets Greek Mythology. Its all in one package.
My favourite character?

Aslan. He is a lion and im a Leo. We mesh!!!! LOL No one touches our mane!! Roar! Coincidentally, i have a malay friend named Aslan. Which brings me back to the name selections. :s Centaurs arent bad too. Half man, half horse, can gallop anywhere.
Anyways, the movie didnt leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. However it did fufilled my fantasy realm for the time being. At least until The Hobbit comes along.
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